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Safeguarding Digital Spaces: The Legal Impact of Bill -C63:Online Harms Act.

Online Harms Act
Safeguarding Digital Spaces: Legal Impact of Online Harms Act


In an increasingly interconnected world, the digital landscape presents both opportunities and risks. Social media platforms, while enabling communication and information sharing, can also harbor harmful content that affects individuals, communities, and society at large. Recognizing this, the Canadian government has taken a significant step by introducing Bill C-63, the Online Harms Act. Let’s delve into the legal implications and importance of this legislation.

Understanding the Online Harms Act

  1. Real-World Impact: The Act acknowledges that online harms have tangible consequences. From sexual exploitation of children to hate speech, harmful content can lead to tragic outcomes. The Act seeks to mitigate these risks.

  2. Accountability for Online Platforms: Online platforms, including social media and livestreaming services, are now held accountable for the design choices that contribute to the dissemination and amplification of harmful content. The Act mandates measures to reduce the risk of harm across seven specific categories of content.

  3. Key Provisions: Child Sexual Exploitation: Platforms must remove content that sexually victimizes children or revictimizes survivors. Non-Consensual Intimate Content: Intimate content posted without consent must be taken down. Safety Measures for Children: Platforms must implement safety features tailored for children. Reducing Exposure to Harmful Content: Strategies to minimize exposure to bullying, self-harm promotion, and other harmful content are required.

  4. Strengthening Laws Against Hatred: The Act defines “hatred” in the Criminal Code, increases penalties for hate propaganda offenses, and establishes a standalone hate crime offense. Remedies for online hate speech are also enhanced under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

  5. Protecting Young People: The Act enhances the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography to better safeguard young individuals.

  6. Digital Safety Oversight: A new Digital Safety Commission will enforce the regulatory framework established by the Act. The Digital Safety Ombudsperson will advocate for public interests related to online safety.

Balancing Rights and Safety

While the Online Harms Act aims to protect individuals from harmful content, it also raises questions about free expression and potential censorship. Striking the right balance between safety and fundamental rights remains crucial.


Canada’s Online Harms Act marks a crucial legal achievement by ensuring accountability for online platforms and prioritizing safety, with the aim of fostering a more inclusive and secure digital environment for all Canadians.


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